Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Celebrate Each Other's Dreams

I'd just left my beloved Sycamore tribe in California. Grounded in love...we became the Seek Amores. Of course! Leaders all, boldly embracing lives of passion on purpose. On fire and deeply present. Blessed.

I noticed the couple in the terminal. Flowing robes, his and hers. A turban. A nose stud. Intriguing. Flying Southwest, I boarded and landed my sweet window seat. Looking up---there they were, choosing the two seats next to me. Full bodied. Arms touching. Surprise companions. They were traveling from Pakistan to visit their children in the U.S. A warmth sprung up between us. Engaged and leaning in. Open---to this experience, in this moment. I was eating it up.

After awhile, we turned to read. I took out "The Poetry of The Sycamores." She said, "Are you a poet?"  "Yes" I claimed. I turned to the page with my poem, "Heart Healthy." And gently offered it to them to share. The container became sacred now. Leaning in together---they each read silently to themselves...lips gently forming each English word and phrase. Taking it in. Truly. He finished first...I could see the full, graceful smile...held and honoring it all. Affirming and connected. Then she---proclaiming the love for these words and pointing to her favorite line. "Celebrate each other's dreams." Yes! We talked about marriage, challenges...of course!

There was something so powerful and grace-filled about our surprise connection. Each open to the Other. Each leaning into this moment with wonder and grace. I'll always remember their soft smiles and gently moving lips. 

Heart Healthy

The menu says 'heart healthy'
I wonder what it would be like if heart healthy messages were publicly displayed
on the menu of life?
Love yourself
Love your partner
Be gentle
Cherish that which is entrusted to you
Laugh together
Surprise one another
Honor your commitment especially when it's hard
Keep each other safe
Celebrate each other's dreams
Be quick to speak truth with compassion
Let yourself be naked
Dream dreams together and help them grow
Breathe deeply together and feel your hearts beat
Take joy in all you create
If your course needs changing change it
Find a way to share what really matters
Grow community
Unlock each other's code knowing you'll never fully do so
Honor the divine Mystery in each other
Try new things
Open up
Take risks worth taking
Embrace early and often
Believe in the power of love
Rest in each other's arms

Lynn Young