Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ginger Snaps

A pause in this glorious fall day. Music undergirds this moment. Creating a pulse of joy. A strum of action. I just came from the dentist.  Good news and bad. Looks good---and I need to floss. Now, as someone who has been a health educator, and who is now a life coach, I'm embarrassed to admit that this is true. Flossing in the land of good ideas doesn't do much for dental health. And I know it. So, it's time I come clean! I know we all have zones like that. The zone of "Oh yeah baby, that's working and I'm loving it!" And the zone of  good intentions, which is really the zone of possibility. Of greater health. A zone of calling to be/do/become an even more powerful, beautiful and delicious version of ourselves. I'd like that---and I'm guessing you would, too.


This is a good habit waiting to happen. The simplest two minute a day habit. I know it will take more than imagining it as a good idea. So---I commit. Out loud and in public. With the music strains now punctuating my words with a bold beat: I will floss. Once a day. And you?? What's calling your name? The thing you know that will take two minutes/day or less---and make all the difference in your life?? Name it. You could even audaciously declare it right now in the comments. Join me!

Time to for me to get up out of this chair. To go get the floss. To put it in its new special spot. To fuel the action. Oh yes----and there's one more thing. I'm not doing this so that Janine (my patient hygienist) doesn't scold me. (Although big thanks to you for the nudge!) I'm doing this because I want to live to 100, play with my beautiful grandchildren (which are pre-twinkle, I'm imagining)...all the while munching crisp apples and ginger snaps!  Laughing, grinning, alive and we know it! Now that's floss-worthy!