Thursday, December 8, 2011

Free Cappucino

At the gas pump, the sign said "Free Cappucino with fill." I was on my way to my haircut where I'd be served coffee, so I didn't need any.  Yet...hmmmmmm, here was flash of opportunity to brighten someone's day. Looking up, I noticed a young hispanic man in the flatbed of his pickup truck, working. I walked over grinning, and asked if he'd like a free cappucino. His face let up. He jumped down. We strode into the gas station, beaming, with a purpose in our step. Cool! We were up to something! When we arrived at the fancy cappucino machine there was the taped up sign, "Not working." Oh well, no problem we both agreed---we already felt great. As we neared door the cashier asked what happened. We told her---and she said, "Oh no---it's just the mocha that's broken!" Now there were three of us up to something! Back we went. Mission accomplished...we parted. One with coffee. One feeling the joy of giving. One who caught the wave. 

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