Friday, January 20, 2012


I've been planting. Don't know when I started to plant, actually. Ten years ago with my first coaching course? Almost two years ago when I answered the "call" (yes, it really felt like this---divine and mystical as a new friend leaned over her suitcase in the front hallway of an Alabama Bed and Breakfast and said, "Lynn, I'm in a program I think you'd love") to leap into the Coaches Training Institute's  (CTI) Leadership Program? The day I realized I wanted the whole enchilada---CTI's juicy, spicy Life Coach Training, too? The day I did something about it, signed up and began flying hither an yon (all beautiful locations---all succulent opportunity for this red lipped red booted adventurer!) to experience full immersion coach training courses? The day I hit the pause button because my partner was sick...and needed me near? The day that post-healing, I "began again", with a new wave of passion? The day I "graduated" from all the training last September? The grateful day near Thanksgiving when I committed boldly to one more step, the icing (and of course, I wanted the icing!)...and I officially enrolled in CTI's rigorous six month Certification Program. Or this Tuesday, when I officially began that journey?

Yes...dreams...seeds...being watered and fed.

This site has likely appeared dormant.  That's what happens after planting. It's all underground, and frankly, looks like nothing. Worse still, looks dead. Ahhhhhh, but we all know better! We know that it is in the spring that the shoot bursts forth. One day, flat earth. The next---kabam!! Thrusting that is unmistakably bold and beautiful.  I'm very close now. I can feel all the energy in me lining up as I embrace all my clients. I can feel the nourishment coursing through my veins, my heart, my mind, my spirit. I can feel me growing in huge leaps and bounds. It's exciting and exhausting.'s exactly where I need to my life...on purpose.

My coaching doors are flung open...and the weather is good!! (They actually aren't doors---they are phonelines. Open and available for you or those you know might feel this "call" to engage me as their coach. And answer it! )

Here's to us all---planting and soon blooming, bearing fruit and harvesting in no time!

With deep gratitude to all planters who have gone before. I stand on your shoulders, indebted to you always. Grateful for your compassion, interest, love, care and steadfast encouragement.

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