Saturday, February 18, 2012

Goat Cheese Adventure

Adventures are so good for the soul! 

Here are the new things I (the city girl) experienced in four delicious hours this brisk winter morning ---within 20 minutes of where I live!

1. Milking a goat. Yup, me. "Abby" (alpine) and "Dottie" (nubian). Squirt. Squirt---yea, there I go. Then----are you ready----two hands! Warm and surprisingly satisfying (for me AND the goats, I think!)
2. Reaching under a chicken---and voila, pulling out a freshly lain egg. Warm and smooth. Wow.
3. Tasting warm (there's the warm again!), fresh goat's milk...delicious! 
3. Making Soft Goat Cheese. I whooped as we wrapped in flourcloth, tied it off, hung it cleverly on the cupboard hook, dripping whey into the bowl beneath it.  Ahhhhh.
4. Making Goat Mozzarella. Cooking, straining, pressing, til smooth and glisteny. Slicing. Snowballing. Admiring!
5. And then there was the Goat Ricotta---yup, made with my two hands! Warm...drizzled with chocolate balsamic vinegar. So much goodness!!! 
6. Making 4 new grown-up friends (with connections and networking flowing as naturally as water)---and 2 little ones. 

My soul knew to love all of this. My soul grinned. My soul ate it up. My soul said thank you. My soul said---that was fun, let's have another adventure soon! I promised my soul the answer would be yes! 

p.s. If you'd like your own adventure---visit "The Goat Cheese Lady" online and find out how! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mistress of Unlocking

Today, I got an unplanned reflection of me.  There it was, in these three words at the close of an email..."Mistress of Unlocking." It was said in gratitude. Wow. I realize I LOVE these words! And I love the fact that as a life coach, I get to do what I love----help unlock people's brilliance! (It's of course, already there---in every single one of us.) And---as the key slides into the lock...and the tumbler starts to click and roll...there is such incredible anticipation and glee! For both of us! The one who is getting closer to who they really are (without all the stuffy baggage that might have accumulated over a lifetime covering up this gorgeous being)----and for me. Oh yes, really fun for me! To have the privilege to be with another as they light up, discover, glow, come alive in front of my eyes?? Seriously joyous work!

And then...out came the words. Giving me a new name, "Mistress of Unlocking." I love that too. Most of you know that I really believe that sexuality is a gift. That there's huge, juicy, blessed energy there. Spirituality, too---bunches of energy and life force there! (Coming soon---my next book on this!) Well---the mistressy energy in all of it is right, isn't it. It's not about demands. It's about invitation. About all of us...shining brighter...inviting others us...into vulnerability...and seeing...and discovering...and into the ever-so-juicy space of curiosity! Wow. This is my work. And with a wink and a nod, out flashes a new reflection of that makes me smile broadly and freely. The smile I was born to wear on this beautiful body in this wonderful thing called life!

And so I'm curious?? What are the reflections that YOU are getting---the ones that help you see and understand yourself more fully?? That surprise you, make you sit up and say, "You know---that's exactly right!" 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pleasure Activist

You know when you have a really satisfying conversation?? One where you connect and connect some more and say, "Oh yes...and...!" Recently, I met a new friend through synchronous means. 

Let me pause for a moment---and say that synchronicity sounds random. It's not. It's actually something very cool that we can all ride. Here's what it takes: It starts with noticing the little curiousity in you. Noticing when something in you says, "Oooooh, look at that!" Or, "Ohhhhhhh, wouldn't it be cool if....!!" This is a little like a dog, sniffing. First one good scent...then oooooooh, what's that over there on the hydrant! Then a passing dog pulls sway. You get the picture. (Another more poetic friend of mine calls this, "Following the fragrance of your desire." Love that, too! Choose the metaphor that best fits you. Dog or flower! Now----that's fun, but not enough. After the noticing comes something that makes all the difference, ----it's action. And here's where we humans often get stuck. We think, "Oh, that would look funny!" Or----NO ONE does that. Or, "Seriously, get a grip! Do you think they would like to talk to a stranger with an urge?" The answer'll never know til you try! So----the next step requires something we're all born with, but may be rusty at using. Courage. That's it,----the courage to take a risk! So----let's review. You've got the noticing...followed by the urge...and you take a dash of courage. Now---do something! That's it. Just do something. Give yourself permission to experiment a little---and see what happens! Maybe they will think you're crazy. Maybe they won't respond. Maybe they will be your new best friend. Maybe they are the missing link to your business. You'll never know until you try! (Thanks mom---I hear your voice here!) Oh---and one more thing. Notice NOW how FUN this is! Really! Notice the energy and the juice and the OMG kind of adrenaline. Because now you're really LIVING your life!

Well...recently I did that. (Actually, I do it a lot these days and wow, is it a blast!) It went like this---I have a supervisor in my coaching certification program, assigned to me. I went to his website--and discovered lots of connections between us (always wonderful to find, isn't it?) I looked at his website links I found the name of another person with whom I shared a bunch of connections...and there it was, the urge to connect. To a stranger. And so I did----sending him an email, sharing my curiosity. Within minutes, there was his response...and so much more we shared, including Our Whole Lives~Sexuality and Our Faith---the fabulous sexuality/spirituality movement I'm a part of, and write for and truly passionate about! He suggested we connect by phone. Which takes me back to where I began.

As we talked on the phone, in that fun new discovery way, sharing our passions and what we are up to in the world he exclaimed, "You are a Pleasure Activist!" At first I was taken aback. Wow. Whoa! Seriously?! And yet---I knew that this naming of me was spot-on! Stated more clearly and strongly than I ever had known/seen. I do believe that our senses are divine. Gateways to All That Is. I do celebrate pleasure! That moment, at my kitchen table, thousands of miles away from this new friend---I received a new understanding of me. Which of course, would never have happened...had I not gotten curious, noticed, followed my urge with a dash of courage!

So I invite you!
And let me know what happens!

p.s. There's more to the story. It's about my next book, "Juicy Prayers". To be continued!