Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mistress of Unlocking

Today, I got an unplanned reflection of me.  There it was, in these three words at the close of an email..."Mistress of Unlocking." It was said in gratitude. Wow. I realize I LOVE these words! And I love the fact that as a life coach, I get to do what I love----help unlock people's brilliance! (It's of course, already there---in every single one of us.) And---as the key slides into the lock...and the tumbler starts to click and roll...there is such incredible anticipation and glee! For both of us! The one who is getting closer to who they really are (without all the stuffy baggage that might have accumulated over a lifetime covering up this gorgeous being)----and for me. Oh yes, really fun for me! To have the privilege to be with another as they light up, discover, glow, come alive in front of my eyes?? Seriously joyous work!

And then...out came the words. Giving me a new name, "Mistress of Unlocking." I love that too. Most of you know that I really believe that sexuality is a gift. That there's huge, juicy, blessed energy there. Spirituality, too---bunches of energy and life force there! (Coming soon---my next book on this!) Well---the mistressy energy in all of it is right, isn't it. It's not about demands. It's about invitation. About all of us...shining brighter...inviting others us...into vulnerability...and seeing...and discovering...and into the ever-so-juicy space of curiosity! Wow. This is my work. And with a wink and a nod, out flashes a new reflection of that makes me smile broadly and freely. The smile I was born to wear on this beautiful body in this wonderful thing called life!

And so I'm curious?? What are the reflections that YOU are getting---the ones that help you see and understand yourself more fully?? That surprise you, make you sit up and say, "You know---that's exactly right!" 

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