Sunday, May 6, 2012

Smiling in DC

Last month, in Washington DC visiting my daughter---I had a glorious day to myself while she was at work. On the National Mall---spring fullblooming. Sun shining brightly and just warm enough. I came upon a bandshell---with a middle school jazz band playing the Cherry Blossom Festival. Seriously----life was sooooooo good! Everyone's toes tapped and strangers looked each other in the eye as the music floated over us like syrup on pancakes. Made for each other. Surprise gift. As I strolled along towards the Tidal Basin I was in that blissed-out state. You know the one. How good is this? How lucky am I? 

Just then, a boy ran up to his mother near me. He was about 7, were I to guess.  He exclaimed, "Mommy---do some people have a problem they just can't stop smiling? Because I just SAW one!" Already beaming, my smile widened even more. And I wondered...was it me that he saw? And secretly hoped that was true! Any way you slice it---I knew I was a contender. I've been called many things---but here was a new one. A problem smiler! No problem---I'll take that one any day! 

To the little boy and his mother. Thank you. Thank you for my smile that grew even bigger and felt even more wonderful that day---because of your reflection!

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