Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rome had me with Ciao!

Full Disclosure: I Love Rome. Lovestruck? Smitten? Whatever----its cast it's magic, and I'm a goner. Rome had me with Ciao! I know "All Roads Lead to Rome" and am so blessed that mine did. I can't explain it---but when standing on a rooftop, the clouds seem to do a surround shape that I've never before experienced. It's as if they are complicit clarions...announcing that Rome really is the Center. It's beautiful, moving...and feels absolutely right. Wow.

And what is here at the Center? Delicious wild juxtoposition! Colorful and pulsing!! .24 hour fresh flower stands on the corners ---of course, better, because is doesn't damage the flowers by moving them!! Now that IS civilized!

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